75 years of Indian Air Force

75 years of Indian Air Force
Air Force Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2007
The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Air Force was celebrated in a grand ceremony at the Air Force Auditorium in New Delhi. The 2-day affair was attended by over 3000 officers & their wives. The chief guests at the event included the then Chief of Air Staff – Air Marshal Fali Homi Major, Chief of Army – General Deepak Kapoor/General Joginder Jaswant Singh. Singer Usha Uthup, Danseuse Isha Sharvani, laser shows and other performers & artists kept the audience enthralled. The unveiling of a hand crafted model of an Indian Air Force aircraft was an epic moment during the celebrations. Ambiance 360 did the production of this event. We also made this huge fighter jet which was displayed on the stage.